Interspecific interactions have shaped many other characteristics of animals. Camouflage occurs when an animal’s color patterns help hide the animal, or a developmental stage, from another animal. Cryptic coloration (L. crypticus, hidden) is a type of camouflage that occurs when an animal takes on color patterns in its environment to prevent the animal from being seen by other animals. Countershading is a kind of camouflage common in frog and toad eggs. These eggs are darkly pigmented on top and lightly pigmented on the bottom. When a bird or other predator views the eggs from above, the dark of the top side hides the eggs from detection against the darkness below. On the other hand, when fish view the eggs from below, the light undersurface blends with the bright air-water interface.
Some animals that protect themselves by being dangerous or distasteful to predators advertise their condition by conspicuous coloration. The sharply contrasting white stripe(s) of a skunk and bright colors of poisonous snakes give similar messages. These color patterns are examples of warning or aposematic coloration (Gr. apo, away from sematic, sign).
Resembling conspicuous animals may also be advantageous. Mimicry (L. mimus, to imitate) occurs when a species resembles one, or sometimes more than one, other species and gains protection by the resemblance.


Some of the best examples of adaptations arising through coevolution come from two different species living in continuing, intimate associations, called symbiosis (Gr. sym, together bio, life). Such interspecific interactions influence the species involved in dramatically different ways. In some instances, one member of the association benefits, and the other is harmed. In other cases, life without the partner would be impossible for both.
Parasitism is a common form of symbiosis in which one organism lives in or on a second organism, called a host. The host usually survives at least long enough for the parasite to complete one or more life cycles. The relationships between a parasite and its host(s) are often complex. Some parasites have life histories involving multiple hosts. The definitive or final host is the host that harbors the sexual stages of the parasite. A fertile female in a definitive host may produce and release hundreds of thousands of eggs in its lifetime. Each egg gives rise to an immature stage that may be a parasite of a second host. This second host is called an intermediate host, and asexual reproduction may occur in this host. Some life cycles may have more than one intermediate host and more than one immature stage. For the life cycle to be completed, the final immature stage must have access to a definitive host. Many examples of coevolutionary interactions between host and parasite are cited in Part Two of this text.

Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one member of the relationship benefits, and the second is neither helped nor harmed. The distinction between parasitism and commensalism is somewhat difficult to apply in natural situations. Whether or not the host is harmed often depends on such factors as the host’s nutritional state. Thus, symbiotic relationships may be commensalistic in some situations and parasitic in others.

Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship that benefits both members. Examples of mutualism abound in the animal kingdom, and many examples are described elsewhere in this text.


The evolution of ecologically related species is sometimes coordinated such that each species exerts a strong selective influence on the other. This is coevolution.
Coevolution may occur when species are competing for the same resource or during predator–prey interactions. In the evolution of predator–prey relationships, for example, natural selection favors the development of protective characteristics in prey species. Similarly, selection favors characteristics in predators that allow them to become better at catching and immobilizing prey. Predator–prey relationships coevolve when a change toward greater predator efficiency is countered by increased elusiveness of prey. Coevolution is obvious in the relationships between some flowering plants and their animal pollinators. Flowers attract pollinators with a variety of elaborate olfactory and visual adaptations. Insect-pollinated flowers are usually yellow or blue because insects see these wavelengths of light best. In addition, petal arrangements often provide perches for pollinating insects. Flowers pollinated by hummingbirds, on the other hand, are often tubular and red. Hummingbirds have a poor sense of smell but see red very well. The long beak of hummingbirds is an adaptation that allows them to reach far into tubular flowers. Their hovering ability means that they have no need for a perch.


When members of different species compete for resources, one species may be forced to move or become extinct, or the two species may share the resource and coexist. While the first two options (moving or extinction) have been documented in a few instances, most studies have shown that competing species can coexist. Coexistence can occur when species utilize resources in slightly different ways and when the effects of interspecific competition are less severe than the effects of intraspecific competition. Robert MacArthur studied five species of warblers that all used the same caterpillar prey. Warblers partitioned their spruce tree habitats by dividing a tree into preferred regions for foraging. Although foraging regions overlapped, competition was limited, and the five species coexisted


Competition occurs when animals utilize similar resources and in some way interfere with each other’s procurement of those resources. Competition among members of the same species, called intraspecific competition, is often intense because the resource requirements of individuals of a species are nearly identical. Intraspecific competition may occur without individuals coming into direct contact. (The “early bird that gets the worm” may not actually see later arrivals.) In other instances, the actions of one individual directly affect another. Territorial behavior and the actions of socially dominant individuals are examples of direct interference.

Population Density

Density-independent factors influence the number of animals in a population without regard to the number of individuals per unit space (density). For example, weather conditions often limit populations. An extremely cold winter with little snow cover may devastate a population of lizards sequestered beneath the litter of the forest floor. Regardless of the size of the population, a certain percentage of individuals will freeze to death. Human activities, such as construction and deforestation, often affect animal populations in a similar fashion.
Density-dependent factors are more severe when population density is high (or sometimes very low) than they are at other densities. Animals often use territorial behavior, song, and scent marking to tell others to look elsewhere for reproductive space. These actions become more pronounced as population density increases and are thus density dependent. Other density-dependent factors include competition for resources, disease, predation, and parasitism.


The conditions that an animal must meet to survive are unique for every species. What many species have in common, however, is that population density and competition affect populations in predictable ways.